80. Prefer − Patient Preferences − Case study catalogue

PREFER is aiming at providing recommendations to support the development of guidelines for industry, Regulatory Authorities, and HTA bodies on how and when to include patient perspectives on the benefits and risks of medicinal products. Patient preferences can give information that is critical for developing medical treatments. PREFER is running patient preference studies in both academic and industry settings. This experience will provide a better understanding of what will be a recommended best-practice approach to patient-preference studies. But they can also tell us how much risk patients think is acceptable for a given benefit. The methods to find out, or ‘elicit’ patient preferences are there, but decision-makers are not sure how to assess and use them. The PREFER Project is running three large clinical patient preference studies (including specific focus groups) in three disease areas: lung cancer, neuromuscular disorders, and rheumatoid arthritis. The resource contains the catalogue of the clinical patient preference studies implemented, made by adding to the PREFER portfolio, other clinical studies that cover different disease areas, methods, and research questions. Based on the case studies, PREFER is providing recommendations and guidelines.

Part of interest: The entire resource.

Target groups: RPOs, Professionals, Patients, CSOs, Providers, Innovation Business