36. Inventory of bottom-up governance innovation practices

This document (TeRRItoria Project, Deliverable D3.1, 2019) contains an Inventory of 30 bottom-up governance innovation practices. The Inventory focuses on those governance innovations, promoted by different kinds of coalitions, that activate a process of “re-territorialisation”, i.e., they work for reversing de-territorialisation trends and thus to foster local development and social cohesion. In particular, the Inventory collects the experiences in which research and innovation actors, in different ways, exercise responsibility toward their territory as they play a pivotal role in governance innovation. The territorial coalitions promoted and implemented practices aimed at: re-rooting economic and social activities; recovering and fostering local knowledge; establishing new regulatory frameworks; preventing and managing environmental, social, and economic risks; setting the agenda for defining strategies and actions to solve local problems. The introduction describes the methodology used to set up the Inventory. Some of the practices identified are dealing with healthcare and in particular the practice #11 − Permanent living lab for the governance of city issues including health; #30 − Use of dialogue model for health research agenda-setting process; as well as #31 (but not related to partnership strictu sensu) humanizing healthcare in hospital by art and technology.

Part of interest: The entire document and in particular the Inventory, Pp.14-107.

Target groups: Policymakers, Providers, Professional, Patients, CSOs, RPOs, Innovative business, intermediaries