The role of need in open and user-led innovation approaches in healthcare | Insights from CHERRIES webinar #1

On September 22, CHERRIES kick started its webinar series dedicated to the exploration of responsible healthcare ecosystems in Europe. Four episodes aimed at discussing with academic experts and innovation practitioners how the healthcare sector can approach a transition towards more inclusive, sustainable and responsible policies.

During the 1st episode “The role of need in open and user-led innovation approaches in healthcare” our speakers Wouter Boon (University of Utrecht) and Myriam Martin (ticbiomed | inDemand project) addressed some fundamental questions and aspects that will certainly find some additional answers and contributions in the coming episodes.

Moderated by Chiara Davalli (European BIC Network) and introduced by Stefan Philipp (ZSI | CHERRIES coordinator), the first episode aimed to answer the following questions:

  • What is the role of users in the healthcare innovation process?
  • How demand/need driven innovation approaches can result in improved healthcare ecosystems?
  • Which are the key issues to be considered when launching a co-creation process?

Wouter Boon spoke about Demand-based and User innovation policies (download PPT Boon (2020) Demand-oriented innovation policy – guest lecture_CHERRIES Ep.1).

In his presentation he first set the scene on how we moved from linear innovation approaches towards demand driven innovation approaches. He then proposed some interesting considerations on the reasons to involve users in innovation processes and the importance of demand driven innovation policies. He then closed his talk by presenting three main challenges that need to be taken into account when shaping and implementing demand driven innovation policies.

Myriam Martin presented her insights from the practitioners’ point of view (download PPT 20200922 Ticbiomed presentation_CHERRIES webinars Ep.1).

Coordinator of inDemand project, Myriam shared with the audience six key issues that need to be taken into account when launching co-creation processes in the healthcare sector: 1) securing an innovation culture within healthcare organisations; 2) facilitating bottom-up processes; 3) ensuring the alignment with healthcare management priorities; 4) optimising users’ experience by promoting demand-driven approaches to the definition of new solutions; 5) spending public funds in a more efficient way by steering innovation from the demand side; 6) promoting ecosystemic approaches to innovation in the healthcare sector.

This is in a nutshell what was discussed during the 1st episode of CHERRIES webinar series “Exploring Responsible Healthcare Ecosystems”.

You can watch the full episode here

If you want to know more about CHERRIES and our webinar series download this presentation: Cherries_eu_webinar series_Ep.1


Next Episode is on September 29th at 12.30 pm, don’t miss it!

RRI practices in healthcare – 29 September (12:30-13:30). Rosina Malgarida (IrisCaixa Barcelona) and Barbara Kieslinger (ZSI)