Organised in the framework of the eHealth Summer University, the eHealth Awards support and reward the development of solutions and applications in the field of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) for Health. The objective of these Awards is to encourage innovation, and favor the integration of ICT in the world of healthcare, as well as the autonomy of patients, among the largest number of professionals and businesses. They promote a growing sector: eHealth.
Organized by the EU|BIC Castres-Mazamet Technopole, the eHealth Awards will be presented during the eHealth University, which will take place in Castres on June 28-29, 2022, in the Chamber of commerce and industry.
This competition eHealth Awards is open to all actors having a project in e-health: healthcare institutions and professionals, patients and caregiver associations, social protection workers, businesses in the technology and healthcare sector, and researchers, teachers and students … at national and international level.
The 2022 eHealth Awards are divided into 7 categories:
Autonomy & Well-being
Structures – Health and medico – social establishments
Healthcare professionals & caregivers
Big Data IA
and 4 special prizes:
The Grand Jury Prize
The Business Model Trophy
The jury’s favorite trophy
The Internet Trophy
The same project can be presented in a maximum of 3 categories
Participation in the e-Health Awards competition is completely free of charge.
All candidates for the e-health Awards benefit from a 50% discount on the e-health University registration pass.
Any individual or entity in France or another country (corporation, association, public authority, administrative authority, NGO, research organization, teaching institution, students, etc.) may participate in this competition.
To apply for the e-Health Awards simply download, complete and return the application form. The completed application form should be sent by email at, before May 2, 2022 noon.