173. Inventory of RRI governance innovation practices

This document (TeRRItoria Project, Deliverable D3.2, 2019) is an Inventory of 43 RRI Governance Innovation Practices, detected in 15 RRI projects conducted in Europe and beyond, proposing relevant and new models of RRI governance innovation practices. Based on the analysis of the 15 RRI projects, the report underlies the reflexive and the context-depended nature of RRI, requiring for its integration a tailored approach that needs to take into account the existing problems, the aspired future situations, as well as the agency and the capacities of the actors (individuals, or organisations). The summary contains a list of possible practices and approaches that might be inspiring in applying RRI (gender equality, public engagement, science education, and open access) and a list of practices adopting a unified approach on RRI.

Part of interest: The entire document, and in particular the summary.

Target groups: Policymakers, Providers, Professional, Patients and CSOs, RPOs, Innovative business, intermediaries