The CHERRIES Toolbox is aimed at providing European territories with relevant resources and guidance on how to build and replicate RRI experiments in their healthcare ecosystems and to support the exploitation of results obtained in European or national projects.
The Toolbox is conceived as an organised set of relevant resources useful for understanding and framing responsible innovation in health and for triggering a reflection on possible RRI Institutional pathways of change aimed at including innovative participatory approaches and RRI principles within the organisations engaged in the R&I healthcare system in the European regions.
The Toolbox proposes methodologies, techniques, and tools related to RRI which can be used by different kinds of stakeholders (academia, SMEs and industries, civil society organisations, public administrations, etc.). The content of the Toolbox has been tailored taking into account its possible users. The Toolbox is addressed to relevant actors of R&I healthcare systems interested in the design and implementation of Responsible Innovation pathways for the governance of the complex transformations affecting R&I in the healthcare sector.
The CHERRIES approach provides for an interactive collaboration model among multiple stakeholder groups, throughout the process of design, implementing, and evaluating the experiments. These groups belong to three different categories of actors:
- Institutional healthcare actors (policymakers, payers, providers)
- Institutional innovation actors (policymakers, funding bodies, RPOs, intermediary organisations)
- Non-institutional actors (patients, healthcare professionals, innovative business).
The Toolbox offers a pool of resources responding to the needs and expectations of both individual stakeholders and the healthcare local ecosystem as a whole. For this reason, within Part Two of the Toolbox, for each resource, its specific reference target group (target group that had in the past used the resources or that might take advantage in using it) is suggested.